Friday, August 1, 2008

LA Times: Hollywood Thinks McCain's Britney, Hilton Ad "Smacked Of Desperation

Story is here.

This was a reply to a post by jdcccc, who wrote:

"If Hollywood is upset it"s a bulls eye."

My answer:

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, the late NRA mouthpiece Charlton Heston, Ron Silver, Elizabeth Hasselbeck, Gopher from The Love Boat as well as the CEOs of Disney, Viacom (which owns CBS and MTV), GE (which owns NBC), and Sirius-SM satellite radio are all Republicans. Two of those have even held political office. And let's not forget that Ronald Reagan's acting and political careers were both largely thanks to his relationship with MCA-Universal. Moreover, Britney was invited to appear at a GOP convention in NYC a few years ago and Paris Hilton's family are big GOP contributors (most recently to Mitt Romney and the party's senatorial campaign).

So Hollywood isn't just a hotbed of Democrats. And both Spears and Hilton are Republicans. In addition, Spears is a native of Louisiana, which McCain is expected to win handily.


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