Saturday, August 30, 2008

2 Top Alaska Newspapers Question Palin's Fitness

Story is here.

If they're questioning her fitness now, wait until they take another look at that phony story about the birth of her last child.

I was talking to my mom, a retired nurse who had worked in a pediatric hospital for about 30 years. I told her the story about Palin's baby that the new VP nominee had given to the media. My mom scoffed at it, angrily noting that at the very least Palin ran the risk of a sepsis infection by not immediately going to hospital when her water broke before she gave that energy speech in Texas. Palin supposedly gave the speech, got back on the plane to Alaska and then had it the next morning. To add to this, the kid not only had Down's Syndrome, but was a month premature. Yet, Palin did not do the medically prudent thing.

And here's why: because her 16 year old daughter had that kid back in Alaska and Palin is trying to cover it up. Plain had pulled the 16 year old out of school five months prior for "mono." How convenient. At the very least, she risked the life of a premature baby with her behavior if you want to believe her story, making her too irresponsible to be believed about anything.

And even though the special needs child should have been put in an ICU and may have been), Palin only takes two days off. This definitely bears re-examination.


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