Saturday, August 30, 2008

Palin Adds Right-Wing Cruelty To GOP Ticket

Story is here.

This was a reply to a poster who is one of those anti-abortion nuts:

Actually, it appears that it wasn't Palin's water that broke to have that Down's Syndrome baby. It was her 16 year old daughter's!

GOP family and moral values at work!

McCain has always been an impulsive fly by the seat of your pants guy who was protected by his daddy and his wives. So when a non-vetted Palin becomes the GOP's answer to Tom Eagleton and has to step down for lying about this and being a hypocrite it will put the coup d' grace to McCain's presidential bid. She will be gone by the end of September.

Enjoy the McCain Campaign to Nowhere!


1 comment:

BillCarson said...

Hi. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Can't see anything wrong with your post. The only reason I can think of is that it has a link to a blog. I've had that happen a few times.

Maybe try reposting without the link and see what happens.

Good luck!