Thursday, August 7, 2008

Leaked McCain Memo: Paint Obama As A "Job Killing Machine"

Story is here.

Hey, if anyone knows how to kill jobs, it's Republicans. What party affiliation do all those CEO's who lay off thousands of workers at a time claim? Yep, it's the yellow elephant label.

And let us not forget what they said about the Clinton Deficit Reduction Package: "It will lead to the mother of all recessions," said then Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. But all it resulted in was budget surpluses and we had the greatest economic expansion in American history during Bill's administration. Where I lived at the time, unemployment was down to 2%.

Meanwhile, Hoover ignited a depression, we had stagflation under Nixon and Ford, we had a recession under Bush the Elder and now we have one under junior. Republican administrations are Auschwitz for the working man.


Note: There were 43 pages of responses to this article, so I am going to forego checking on it. I would think it got through.

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