Wednesday, August 20, 2008

At Orange County's Mega-Church Even Politics are Rocking

Story is here.

I just wonder what Paul Crouch, an even bigger televangelist whose Trinity Broadcasting Network has its gloriously grotesquely designed offices and production facilities in Tustin, just down the road from Warren's racket, felt about this. His ego must have had him raging at the upstart that day.

TBN is worth a reported $700 million and none of that gets to the poor in Orange County (they can go about two minutes away to the barrios in Santa Ana if they cared). And Crouch's scam does talk in tongues and Benny Hinn, another fraud artist, is often featured on TBN.

Warren has been completely silent on how Crouch and his lantern jawed freak of a wife Jan have been misusing religion to glorify and enrich themselves. If he can't do even that then there was no reason for anyone to think he had any basis to morally cross examine McCain and Obama.


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