Tuesday, August 5, 2008

China Arrests, Beats Two Foreign Journalists In Crackdown

Story is here.

(This is a reply to a couple of posters who were saying that Bush had no moral legitimacy to be criticiaing the Chinese).

Have you heard of something called an ad hominem attack? That is when you try to dodge the point of a debate by making the messenger the issue rather than the substance of what they're saying.

Bush isn't the only one calling China out (though he has been doing so in a mealymouthed way). I have been too and will boycott watching the olympics for the first time in my life. That some people attempt to trivialize the depredations of a brutal regime by attempting to call someone else out for their peccadilloes isn't just delusional, but also lends more credibility to the wrongdoing of nations such as China.

And as bad as Bush has been, and I hate his guts like nobody's business, he is a pussycat compared to the barbarians in the Chinese Politburo.


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