Monday, September 1, 2008

Press: Back Off Bristol Palin!

Story is here.

This is why so many people hate the media. Talk about a myopic echo of conventional wisdom!

Palin has used her Down's Syndrome baby as part of her public bonafides to play to the sympathies of evangelical Christians. She is against sex education and for abstinence only, which obviously didn't even take in her own household after it had long been refuted as an effective method of staving off teenage pregnancy.

The you have Palin's near Homeric description of how she gave birth to her infant son, which was met with cries of incredulity by medical professionals everywhere, including my pediatric nurse mom. Even her doctor has now changed her tune on this when she began seeing words such as "malpractice" and "negligence" being applied to her handling of her patient.

I think many in the media are just uncomfortable with getting into people's personal lives (except when it could mean big ratings) and that's fine. Personally, I don't really care if Bristol is pregnant or not. If Palin had been straight with the country, it would have been a three minute chuckle and then move on. But no, Palin concocted that cockamamie story of Trig's birth.

Let's be real. Being in the media isn;t just mere stenography. Sometimes you have to deal with unseemly issues. If you can't bring yourself to that, then maybe you need another line of work.


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