Friday, September 26, 2008

The Bailout: Why Are Bush and the Democrats Combining Against Congressional Republicans?

Story is here.

Wow, James Pinkerton playing class warfare! Who woulda thunk it! What would your man Newt think Jim? And why do you hate Newt?

Of course, this is just bs Republican spin. This plan is a much more measured response than what the Bush Administration wanted. I'm not crazy about it, but doing something is nonetheless reassuring psychologically to the markets both here and abroad.

Moreover, Pinkerton completely glosses over the fact that he collaborated with the GOP to ensure that the current crisis happened by endorsing its wreckless policies.

One can also say (admittedly somewhat unfairly) that the GOP is willing to have a depression in the name of ideology.

However, if the Democrats tell the markets to get stuffed and we have a depression as a result, the Republican leadership, consistent only in its lust for power and not in holding fast to its stated ideals, will accuse the Democrats of being asleep at the switch and thus a treasonous dereliction of duty.

It is also true that if the Democrats ignored the pleas of economists for bailouts there would be ZERO Republicans that would praise them for doing so.

You can't have it both ways, Jim. Please, we aren't that dumb.


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