Sunday, September 28, 2008

Palin Contradicts McCain On Pakistan, Seems To Support Obama's Position

Story is here.

Two guys playing mavericks compared::

James Garner:

Son of a carpet layer, mother died when he was four.
Stormy family life, attended several high schools.
Joined the merchant marine at 16, but seasickness cashiered that.
Joined the National Guard after finishing high school and saw combat in Korea. Injured from mortar fire and then in a friendly fire incident. Called himself a "scrounger" in the army.
Had two successful tv series, Maverick and The Rockford Files plus a spate of movie roles. Did his own stunts.
Earned a Lifetime Achievement Award from SAG.
Hometown of Norman, Oklahoma erected a statue to him.
Liberal Democrat, turned down a 1990 offer to run for governor.

John McCain:

Coddled Panama-born son and grandson of admirals, entering the naval academy on his name alone despite not having the grades necessary regular people need.
Partied his way through the Naval Academy, finishing at the bottom.
Commissioned thanks to dad.
Lack of attention to the details of flying got him shot down over Vietnam.
Became a POW and milked it. Fellow POWs won't vote for him.
His wealthy second wife got him elected to Congress.
Flipped flop so often he might as well be Sybil.
A deregulator who engendered a $700 billion bailout
Confessed to running for president for narcissistic reasons
A onetime POW
Has had four cancerous moles removed.
He's a former POW
Voted with Bush 95% of the time
Erstwhile POW
VP nominee selected because she was a woman
POW background.


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