Sunday, August 3, 2008

Toby Keith's Pro-Lynching Publicity Tour Hits Colbert, CBS and More

Story is here.

My first run at Blumenthal's jihad against Toby Keith, who, again, I generally regard as a simple minded cretin, was censored, but I will try again: Keith isn't nostalgic for hanging blacks or for segregation, etc. Rather, like a lot of Americans, including even progressives such as myself, he is frustrated by the fact that we keep recycling thugs back into our society, where they loose their depredations time and again on regular folks who just want to live in peace. The U.S. justice system moves slowly and is often too lenient. That guys like Keith want to get these crumbums permanently out of society is not a surprise. I do too.

Democrats need to listen to this. This is what, for better or worse, America thinks. We need a comprehensive plan to clean our cities of gangs, for example, that only seem to be growing more powerful and threatening as time passes. That neither Obama nor McCain is talking about that issue fuels attitudes like the one you see in Keith's song. If you want to prevent that sort of viewpoint from being aired, then do something about the actual problem.


Note: this was the second time I took a run at Blumenthal's outright politically correct character assassination of Keith and the second time he censored me. The nonsense assertions by Blumenthal is another example of where ideology deteriorates into idiocy.

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