Thursday, August 28, 2008

Keith Olbermann Caught Saying About Mike Murphy: "Let's Wrap Him Up" (VIDEO)

Story is here.

Murphy is an idiot. He only gave Bush a C for how he ran the country during the last eight years, which means that Murphy was grading on the legacy admit dumbass curve. Had a Democrat done as badly as Bush did, Murphy would be giving him an F and arguing for his prosecution for treason.

Again, there is nothing to be gained by using former campaign managers as commentators because they will always censor themselves for the next job down the road or they don't want to throw their former clients under the bus lest he be accused of being disloyal to his customers. I felt the same about James Carville, too.


Note: Apparently, the moderator is a friend or sympathizer with Murphy. Or something. Either that or they don't like the shot I took at Deliverance Boy Carville.

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