Monday, October 13, 2008

Global Economic Crisis Likely To Have Profound Consequences For US Politics, World Relations

Story is here.

The Bush Administration had failed to heed history and mired us in a three front war of terror (that in Afghanistan, Iraq and against the American people with increased surveillance, eroded civil rights and at times overweening increases in public security), piled up debt that made us vulnerable to the machinations of Japan, China, the Saudis and even Mexico, as well as a crippling of defense mechanisms geared to protecting the public from corporate swindlers.

The Katrina disaster was a result of that, exposing the conservative penchant for an "I'm alright jack, too bad for you" mindset. Too the rest of the world, that is when the wheels really seemed to begin falling off of the American cadillac.

Our infrastructure was already deteriorating and we needed substantial reinvestment in it anyway. That will happen under Obama even with the onerous bailouts the financial mismanagement has engendered.

What is further required is raising the minimum wage to $10 an hour, making bonuses given to executives available to regular employees on the shop floor, and caps on the ratio of executive pay vis a vis what the lower rung workers receive.

So it just isn't a structural problem, it is a cultural one and the mentality of wilfull rapine has to be curbed in favor of encouraging more of an esprit d' corps between workers and bosses rather than the state of war we have now.


Note: Did I use too many big words and the moderator didn't understand them? So to be safe he/she deleted my post? Or they think "machination" is an obscenity?

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